Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Catholic University of Cordoba

The Universidad Católica de Córdoba (UCC) is a Jesuit university in Argentina that was founded on June 8, 1956, immediately after private universities were authorized

Social responsibility 
UCC offers a liberal education with philosophy, anthropology, ethics, and theology woven into various programs. This includes a strong commitment to be "academically engaged and socially responsible." In 2006 UCC formally adopted an approach it calls University Social Responsibility (RSU), with not only civic engagement and community outreach activities but also social responsibility stressed in every aspect of the university, including its administration, teaching, and research. Under the RSU program, UCC requires that each faculty submit a list of social responsibility projects that they will undertake in the coming year, independently or in collaboration with other faculties, thus involving faculty and students from across the university. The university further encourages students, teachers, and young professionals to volunteer for community service through its "Volunteers - Universidad Católica de Córdoba" program, working under the motto "We enter to learn, depart to serve." They apply knowledge in an interdisciplinary way to various social problems, promote social awareness and a sense of solidarity, and acknowledge responsibility for the most vulnerable. The intended outcome is that graduates be not only good professionals but also critical, compassionate, and committed persons in a society increasingly torn by exclusion and injustice.

Academic units 
1Faculty of Architecture
2Faculty of Agricultural Sciences – includes Veterinary
3Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences
4Faculty of Engineering
5Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
6Faculty of Medicine - includes Dentistry, Nursery,
7Nutrition, Surgical Instrumentation, and Occupational Therapy
8Faculty of Education Sciences
9Faculty of Political Sciences
10Faculty of Engineering
11Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, includes Psychology
12Faculty of Chemical Sciences
13Institute of Administrative Sciences

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